Heugh Road · Portpatrick · Wigtownshire · Dumfries & Galloway · Scotland · DG9 8TD
We were overjoyed to learn that, in a contest carried out by Country File, Dumfries & Galloway was voted Holiday Destination of the Year!
In the nomination, Dumfries & Galloway was described as “an overlooked corner whose time has come”.
Dumfries & Galloway was voted for because of- amongst many things, its wonderful beaches – of which there are many close to Portpatrick on the Rhins of Galloway.
Also mentioned were its tranquil forests, the Uk`s only Dark Sky Park, its lovely lochs and streams and astonishing wild life.
Towns and villages close to Portpatrick, such as Wigtown – Scotland`s Book Town were also mentioned as factors in winning the award for Dumfries & Galloway.
Here in Portpatrick, we are very proud of our wonderful coastline, culminating in the Mull of Galloway, Scotland`s most southerly point. We are also close to several wonderful gardens including Scotland`s Most Exotic Garden – Logan Botanic Garden. We are sure these also helped secure the award for Dumfries & Galloway.
You can read the Country File article about Dumfries & Galloway`s award.
We also think its worth mentioning that we beat runner-up Snowdonia.