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Rickwood House Hotel > News > News > St Ninians Tearoom at the Isle of Whithorn

St Ninians Tearoom at the Isle of Whithorn

New Tearoom & Gift Shop at Isle of Whithorn

We are delighted that St Ninian`s Tearoom in the Isle of Whithorn is now open. This newly built facility is a welcome addition to Isle of Whithorn and is already proving very popular with our guests.

The spacious cafe / tearoom has great views of Isle of Whithorn harbour and the Isle of Man.

The cafe has a large selection of light meals and home baking while the gift shop focuses on the work of local artists and craftspeople. A drive to Isle of Whithorn from Portpatrick takes around an hour and passes stunning scenery along the coast of Luce Bay.

Gift Shop at St Ninians Isle of Whithorn

Gift Shop at St Ninians Isle of Whithorn

isleo of whithorn

St Ninians tea Room Isle of Whithorn

isle of whithorn

Isle of Whithorn – St Ninians – the view.


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